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FCB Ham­burg becomes CarlNann

FCB Ham­burg becomes CarlNann

FCB Ham­burg becomes CarlNann

FCB Ham­burg becomes CarlNann

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Carl­Nann had plen­ty of expe­ri­ence before even becom­ing Carl­Nann; its roots can be traced back to Germany’s old­est ad agency, Annon­cen­bu­reau Wilkens. As such, it is part of what is prob­a­bly the longest agency–client rela­tion­ship in the uni­verse. It joined the glob­al adver­tis­ing net­work FCB in the 1990s before leav­ing the net­work in 2018 due to a man­age­ment buy­out. As fas­ci­nat­ed as we are by our his­to­ry, we are even more inter­est­ed in what the future holds. Fol­low­ing the man­age­ment buy­out, the agency rebuilt itself from scratch, mean­ing that Germany’s old­est ad agency is younger than ever. And can respond more rapid­ly than vir­tu­al­ly any­one else, which makes us one of the most excit­ing agen­cies in Ger­many. Because it’s less about where you come from. And more about where you want to go.

What are we capa­ble of? What do we do? How do we think? Click to find out.

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FCB Ham­burg becomes Carl Nann – HORIZONT.NET

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