Coach and soccer player inside the changing room, both look at each other and are laughing

NIVEA MEN: the sto­ry of male skincare

How to connect with a target group that doesn’t actually exist.

NIVEA MEN: the sto­ry of male skincare



Blue Triangle

It wasn’t all that long ago that male skin­care was regard­ed as not very man­ly. As such, the brand was seek­ing to con­quer a mar­ket that didn’t real­ly exist.



Blue Triangle

For all the men out there, NIVEA MEN is a bit like a good mate. It doesn’t talk too much and, when it does, it isn’t bor­ing. It only gives tips when they are real­ly need­ed and, oth­er­wise, is a pret­ty cool guy with a great sense of humour.



Blue Triangle

Over the years, we have helped build and shape the NIVEA MEN brand. While Angela Merkel became Ger­man Chan­cel­lor, while the iPhone rev­o­lu­tionised the world and while our agency changed names more than once, the NIVEA MEN brand was being sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly devel­oped and expand­ed – and led into a dig­i­tal age. And it is now the world’s num­ber-one face care brand and the most pop­u­lar male cos­met­ics brand of all. That’s what we call ‘brand leadership’.

Joachim Steudtner shows NIVEA Men Cream in different situations

Ready for anything

When men such as Big Wave world cham­pi­on Sebas­t­ian Steudt­ner go surf­ing, they don’t do things by halves. Opti­mum prepa­ra­tion is, of course, essen­tial. And this also means NIVEA MEN when it comes to skincare.

Joachim Steudtner shows NIVEA Men Cream in different situations

Ready for anything

When men such as Big Wave world cham­pi­on Sebas­t­ian Steudt­ner go surf­ing, they don’t do things by halves. Opti­mum prepa­ra­tion is, of course, essen­tial. And this also means NIVEA MEN when it comes to skincare.

The inside story

In sev­er­al dig­i­tal con­tent snip­pets, we went behind the scenes with the world cham­pi­on. How does a big-wave surfer train? What do they eat? What are they scared of? And how on earth do they pre­pare for waves as tall as skyscrapers?

The inside story

In sev­er­al dig­i­tal con­tent snip­pets, we went behind the scenes with the world cham­pi­on. How does a big-wave surfer train? What do they eat? What are they scared of? And how on earth do they pre­pare for waves as tall as skyscrapers?

Mobile shows Story of Sebastian Steudtner at the beach carrying a surfboard
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Jogi Löw cooking, holding a pan inside his hands, pan has flames coming out of it
Cookbook "Erfolgsrezepte"

Cook­ing and healthy eat­ing are hot top­ics among men. That’s why brand ambas­sador Jogi Löw received stel­lar sup­port for the annu­al NIVEA MEN cam­paign: Tim Mälz­er. Togeth­er, they pro­duced the cook­book ‘Erfol­gsrezepte’ (‘Recipes for Suc­cess’). Top-qual­i­ty food that tastes delicious.

Recipes for success

Images of the cooking book "Erfolgsrezepte"
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Man looks concerned into the mirror

Life of a face

There are still men who think ‘what’s the point of mois­tur­is­ing my face?’ There are count­less answers to this ques­tion. We illus­trat­ed a few of them, mak­ing it clear to even the most scep­ti­cal of men that the male face doesn’t have it easy. And that they should take good care of it.

Life of a face

There are still men who think ‘what’s the point of mois­tur­is­ing my face?’ There are count­less answers to this ques­tion. We illus­trat­ed a few of them, mak­ing it clear to even the most scep­ti­cal of men that the male face doesn’t have it easy. And that they should take good care of it.

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Coach and soccer player posing for a picture in the changing room

Leg­endary prod­uct launch

Even the best coach doesn’t cel­e­brate their finest achieve­ments alone. With this in mind, we brought three leg­ends of Ger­man foot­ball on board to help Jogi in this inte­grat­ed campaign.

Mobile shows pictures of soccer player in the locker room throwing the NIVEA All IN ONE BALSAM around

Leg­endary prod­uct launch

Even the best coach doesn’t cel­e­brate their finest achieve­ments alone. With this in mind, we brought three leg­ends of Ger­man foot­ball on board to help Jogi in this inte­grat­ed campaign.

Mobile shows pictures of soccer player in the locker room throwing the NIVEA All IN ONE BALSAM around
Portraitpictures of soccer player
Portraitpictures of soccer player
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Mul­ti-pur­pose tool pro­mo­tion: per­fect for foot­ballers out of their com­fort zone.

Men have the right tool for any sit­u­a­tion. NIVEA MEN fans even have a mul­ti-pur­pose tool. Even our foot­balling leg­ends can’t imag­ine life with­out this pro­mo­tion­al incentive.

Mul­ti-pur­pose tool pro­mo­tion: per­fect for foot­ballers out of their com­fort zone.

Men have the right tool for any sit­u­a­tion. NIVEA MEN fans even have a mul­ti-pur­pose tool. Even our foot­balling leg­ends can’t imag­ine life with­out this pro­mo­tion­al incentive.

Nivea Multitool flying through the air

more more more

more more more

Blue Triangle
DJ sound mixer in black and white

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sectetuer adip­isc­ing elit. Aenean com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aenean mas­sa. Cum soci­is ultricies nec