Strawberryplant with many green and one red fruit

Schwartau Hofladen

‘Taking taste to a new level’

Schwartau Hofladen



Blue Triangle

The relaunch of the Hofladen range of fruit jams put trans­paren­cy cen­tre stage. And because our client Schwartau is gen­uine­ly seri­ous about the issue, each jar now comes with a QR code, enabling cus­tomers to find out more about the prod­uct. The only thing miss­ing were cor­re­spond­ing microsites for all ten varieties.



Blue Triangle

At the local farm shop, things still taste as they should. You know the farmer by name and can see where the fruits grow. Is it pos­si­ble to trans­late this to the Schwartau Hofladen (‘farm shop’) range? Sure. All thanks to dig­i­tal technology.

Hofladen Jam jars on light brown background



Blue Triangle

Work­ing with farm­ers, sup­pli­ers and the pro­fes­sion­als at Schwartau, we cre­at­ed per­son­al por­traits, com­piled expert knowl­edge in an enter­tain­ing way and gen­er­at­ed com­plete transparency.

More infor­ma­tion. More knowl­edge. More enjoyment.

More infor­ma­tion. More knowl­edge. More enjoyment.

Trac­ing the fruits’ journey

In each jar, there is a sto­ry just wait­ing to be told. And that’s exact­ly what we do. Ten vari­eties, ten per­son­al por­traits, ten glimpses behind the scenes. With infor­ma­tion about the farm­ers, their farms and the grow­ing regions.

Website Mockup of Schwartau Hofladen

Trac­ing the fruits’ journey

In each jar, there is a sto­ry just wait­ing to be told. And that’s exact­ly what we do. Ten vari­eties, ten per­son­al por­traits, ten glimpses behind the scenes. With infor­ma­tion about the farm­ers, their farms and the grow­ing regions.

Website Mockup of Schwartau Hofladen
Website mock up of Melanies Hof in Smartphone Display
Website Mock up of ingredients of the Hofladen Blueberry in Smartphone
Website Mock up of Schwartau Aprikose in Smartphone Display

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Blue Triangle
Mountains of Southtyrol

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