Brain surrounded by lines and points with blue filter

Time empa­thy

An ability to sense changes that go deeper than trends and fads.

Time empa­thy

Times change. Peo­ple change. Brands change (or at least they should).
The rea­sons are many and var­ied: major world events, shared crises or soci­etal challenges.


The signs of the times shape our per­cep­tion and there­fore the ways in which we com­mu­ni­cate, act and con­sume. Some­times, they trick­le into our con­scious­ness and, at oth­er times, hit us like a tidal wave. With increas­ing dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion and tech­nol­o­gi­sa­tion, these move­ments are grow­ing in strength and influence.

Blue brain Icon

Brands, too, are col­lec­tive expe­ri­ences and are sub­ject to the influ­ences of the era. There­fore, we seek to gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the cur­rent signs of the times and to inter­pret their mean­ing for brand lead­er­ship – the aim being to gen­er­ate emo­tion­al rel­e­vance. Under­stand­ing peo­ple and the times they live in. It’s what we call ‘time empathy’.


Curi­ous? So are we. We’re curi­ous about you, your brand and the sup­port we can pro­vide. That’s why we have devel­oped a mod­u­lar work­shop for­mat in which we work with you to devel­op the right signs for the times and for your cat­e­go­ry. On this basis, we then devise rec­om­men­da­tions for your brand posi­tion­ing and communication.

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