Girl with blonde hair and brown eyes is looking grumpy into the camera

Kölln Veg­gie Müsli

Very much to our taste

Kölln Veg­gie Müsli

These days, veg­eta­bles are even trendi­er than a hip­ster moustache.

These days, veg­eta­bles are even trendi­er than a hip­ster moustache.

Blue Triangle
Kölln Veggie muesli boxes "carrot&ginger", "broccoli&almond"

But in muesli?

‘Absolute­ly’ – said our client Kölln, who launched three total­ly deli­cious vari­eties (and they real­ly do taste great!).

The ingre­di­ents for our

Mues­li, veg­eta­bles and a few grumpy kids.

The mes­sage: despite hav­ing been around for 200 years, Kölln still has the pow­er to sur­prise with its inno­v­a­tive spir­it. Our ver­dict: respect! And thank you.

more more more

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Blue Triangle
Woman wearing blue shirt is holding up her brown hair

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sectetuer adip­isc­ing elit. Aenean com­mo­do ligu­la eget dolor. Aenean mas­sa. Cum soci­is ultricies nec