White CarlNann Logo on blue square on grey background

A new agency brand, a whole new look.

The CarlNann corporate design.

A new agency brand, a whole new look.

Min­i­mal­ist. But with max­i­mum impact.

Min­i­mal­ist. But with max­i­mum impact.

Blue Triangle

The new web­site – and, with it, the new agency name – was launched at 11 p.m. on 24 June. FCB Ham­burg is now called Carl­Nann. As such, the new cor­po­rate design of the agency is step­ping into the light. It was, of course, pro­duced in-house.


The logo is like a well-timed punch. No frills, no blah-blah, no pastel/mauve what­ev­er, no light­ning, no light­house, no anchor. Just CarlNann.

Deep­est depths, high­est heights.

Deep­est depths, high­est heights.

Blue Triangle

But there’s more than meets the eye. The logo reflects our inter­nal mis­sion: we want to get to the bot­tom of things, under­stand more than oth­er peo­ple – and set the high­est stan­dards of the cre­ative prod­uct. Our mis­sion state­ment, ‘deep­est depths, high­est heights’, is reflect­ed in the ‘A’. It goes down into the depths from CARL – before scal­ing the heights from NANN.

The logo takes the space it needs.

The logo takes the space it needs.

Blue Triangle

The cor­po­rate design fills the avail­able space. The height of the logo is vari­able and is based on the height of the for­mat. Right down to the bot­tom, right up to the top.

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