Office with Elbphilharmonie in the background

Port­fo­lio of services

Port­fo­lio of services

What we do. And what we don’t.

What we do. And what we don’t.

Blue Triangle

In our DNA: the man­age­ment of major con­sumer brands. In our minds: the times in which we live. In our hearts: cre­ativ­i­ty that moves and con­nects with peo­ple. All of this is com­bined with an unbri­dled pas­sion for change, devel­op­ment and evo­lu­tion. That is what Carl­Nann is all about. We focus on the strate­gic plan­ning and cre­ative exe­cu­tion of com­mu­ni­ca­tion for brands and com­pa­nies. At the agency, we cre­ate OOH cam­paigns and films, web­sites and social media hits, fast-paced POS pro­mo­tions and epic sto­ry­telling. What we don’t do: ‘l’art pour l’art’ or ‘buzz­word bin­go’. If that’s what you’re after, you will need to find your­self a ‘future evangelist’.

Blue Icons
Blue Icons

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