200 years Peter Kölln Logo on brochure

200 years of Peter Kölln

Tradition, innovation – and it all started with grains

200 years of Peter Kölln

200 years of Peter Kölln brochures in rows on yellow background

From a small grain pro­duc­er to the mar­ket leader in the field of oat and mues­li bars, the last 200 years have gone rather well for Elmshorn-based fam­i­ly busi­ness Peter Kölln. So there’s plen­ty of rea­son for the com­pa­ny to tem­porar­i­ly jet­ti­son its down-to-earth north­ern Ger­man atti­tude and cel­e­brate its own suc­cess. With suit­able prod­ucts and a styl­ish anniver­sary fly­er for retail outlets.

200 years of Peter Kölln brochure enfolding on grey background
200 years of Peter Kölln brochure enfolding on grey background

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Blue Triangle
Strawberryplant with many green and one red fruit

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