Maedchen spielt Keyboard, im Hintergrund ein Musikklassenzimmer

YAMA­HA <br><span class="sub-title">Make your­self heard</span>

12 million views for soft notes

Make your­self heard



Blue Triangle

Teenagers are pos­si­bly the most com­plex tar­get group of all. How can they be inspired to choose a musi­cal instru­ment from YAMA­HA? You need some­thing that speaks to their young and high-spir­it­ed teenage souls.



Blue Triangle

Talk­ing about teenage souls: we decid­ed not to talk about the tech­ni­cal fea­tures of the instru­ments, but rather about their emo­tion­al impact. In a tur­bu­lent stage of life, full of inner con­flicts, music can help young peo­ple to express their thoughts and feel­ings when­ev­er they can’t find the right words. This was the idea behind our cam­paign slo­gan: ‘Make your­self heard.’



Blue Triangle

The response was amaz­ing. The view-through rate and num­ber of inter­ac­tions sur­passed all our tar­gets. There was a sig­nif­i­cant sales uplift. The num­ber of views even con­tin­ued to grow organ­i­cal­ly after the end of the cam­paign – and now stands at just under 12 mil­lion. This proves that we con­nect­ed with their souls.

Boy plays guitar while sitting on the sofa with a girl, they both look at each other and smile, text "make yourself heared"

We made our-
selves heard

Thanks to a vari­ety of sto­ry ads, our land­ing page was just a swipe away.

We made our­selves heard

Thanks to a vari­ety of sto­ry ads, our land­ing page was just a swipe away.

Girl with freckles, Line "Make yourself heared"
Girl is sitting in front of a keyboard, around her a group of teenagers, everybody is smiling into the camera
Teenagerband playing in musicroom, font: "make yourself heared"
Website Mockup Yamaha Make yourself heared

Home of the music.

The details of the instru­ments were sup­ple­ment­ed with plen­ty of bonus mate­r­i­al, such as inter­views with our pro­tag­o­nists and back­ground info on the ‘Make your­self heard’ campaign.

more more more

more more more

Blue Triangle
Two Women hug each other in front of a dark background

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