Intern­ship Creation/Art (m/f/x)

Intern­ship Creation/Art (m/f/x)

What we are look­ing for

What we are look­ing for

Blue Triangle

Hon­est work­ers who are inquis­i­tive and tena­cious – and who nev­er stop striv­ing to improve. After all, that’s the rea­son why we come into work every day: we want to improve. We want to be even smarter, even more sur­pris­ing, even fun­nier, even more per­sua­sive and even more sexy. While hav­ing even more fun. Are you up for it?

What you get

What you get

Blue Triangle

Cre­ative think­ing, tight dead­lines – and a will­ing­ness to suc­cess­ful­ly com­bine the two. You’ll also be work­ing with the nicest peo­ple imag­in­able. And did we men­tion our Barista cof­fee machine (known as ‘Diva’), fresh fruit, mas­sages from Steph, an occu­pa­tion­al pen­sion scheme, a sub­sidised HVV trav­el card, week­ly agency lunch­es, Hel­bing, table ten­nis (tour­na­ments), tons of agency par­ties, and all the oth­er ben­e­fits? Oh, and don’t for­get the view of the Elbphil­har­monie con­cert hall, which gives you plen­ty of brag­ging rights.

Do you want to be a part of it?

Blue Triangle

Amaz­ing! San­dra can’t wait to hear from you and is ready to schmooze. Send us an email at, telling us who you are and what you’ve been get­ting up to.

Do you want to be a part of it?

Blue Triangle

Amaz­ing! San­dra can’t wait to hear from you and is ready to schmooze. Send us an email at, telling us who you are and what you’ve been get­ting up to.

Women with blonde hair looks into the camera in black and whitein schwarz weiß

What we are still missing

Blue Triangle

What we are still missing

Blue Triangle

We are look­ing for you and don’t know yet?

We are look­ing for you and don’t know yet?

Blue Triangle

What are you wait­ing for? We read and respond to every email – Scout’s hon­our. And feel free to send us a link to your portfolio.

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