Mountains of Suedtirol touching the clouds

South Tyrol

CarlNann is the new lead agency for the state of South Tyrol

South Tyrol



Blue Triangle
Togeth­er with media part­ner VIVALU, Carl­Nann start­ed work­ing on behalf of the new client in mid March. There was no time to cel­e­brate, as coro­n­avirus broke out – and the state had to respond. And so did Carl­Nann and its part­ner VIVALU.



Blue Triangle
What were peo­ple miss­ing most dur­ing lock­down? All the expe­ri­ences that abound in South Tyrol: free­dom, nature, food and drink, con­vivi­al­i­ty. In oth­er words, all needs are met by South Tyrol.
Phase one of the cam­paign was con­duct­ed via social media under the hash­tag #alleswaswirlieben (#every­thing­welove); with the prospect of bor­der restric­tions being eased, the major print/digital flight fol­lowed – with pre­ci­sion tim­ing – for Italy, Switzer­land, Aus­tria and Germany.
Landscape of a lake and mountains with german capture"Wohin mit dem Freiheitsdrang?"
Book showing images of Southtyrol
Phone shows video of a woman, that is leaning out of a car window with german phrase "Wohin mit dem Freiheitsdrang?"
Phone shows video of mountains in Southtyrol
Phone shows video of mountains in Southtyrol

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Blue Triangle
Coach and soccer player inside the changing room, both look at each other and are laughing

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